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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Collections
1854-1907 Selection on 2 Hagner sheets noting 1854 4d blue imperfs x 2 with one showing clearly the "Narrow "N" in "PENCE" variety (SG 3u, Cat. £1…
Sold $1200
1854-1912 collection in "Simplex" album starting with 1d black used x 2 & 1857 6d grey-black (2 margins). Majority used to 1884, then sprinkling of…
Sold $950
1854-1912 simplified range identified by SG numbers on Hagner sheets. Incls 1d black, 2 margins & F/U (SG 2) & 4d blue with margins but partly cut …
Sold $160
1854-1912 Swan selection noting 1d black roulette (large closed tear at top), 1861 6d brown-purple perf. 14-16 clean-cut MH, 3 x Telegraph stamps, …
Sold $230
1854-1913 Used imperf range in Lighthouse stockbook incl 1d black swans x 5 with between 1 & 3 margins, 1/- pale brown (2 reasonable) & 6d sage-gre…
Sold $500
1861-1882 selection of used swans on Hagner sorted by wmks & perfs noting 1861 2d intermediate & clean cut perfs (2 of each), 1864/79 to 1/- (2 of …
Sold $180
1861-1912 Old time album with reasonable pickings noting some pairs & 5 blocks. Mixed MLH/MH/MNG & good to fine used with some useful duplication. …
Sold $220
1893/1912 "Balance of Consignment" on 4 pages incl 2 pages of Registration cancels on swans, a page with 1912 1d surcharge on 2d yellow (SG 170) gr…
Sold $140
1893-1911 range of issues incl fiscals & postcards on Hagner & album leaves. Mainly litho types to 1/- incl 1902/11 2d yellow MLH, 9d F/U, ditto 19…
Sold $140
1902-1911 1d to 5/- V/CR Wmk, perf. 12 x 12½ selection incl 1d carmine-rose MLH (SG 117), 2d yellow wmk upright MH (SG 118a), 4d chestnut MLH (SG …
Sold $200
1905-1922 Range of CR/A wmk, perf. 11 with 3d brown perfined "OS" incl 2 x MH & 3 x F/U & 9d yellow-orange F/U plus a second sheet with 12 x 3d bro…
Sold $170
Airmails 1930-1938 range with "By Air Mail" vignettes or endorsed "Air Mail" in m/s. Incls Perth addressed env with 2d red-brown, SMW, perf 13 & 3d…
Sold $100
Blocks of 4 Hagner sheet with 7 blocks incl 10d red MH/MUH (SG 123, Cat. £160) & used blocks noting 1/- green used (SG 61), 1d carmine-pink good u…
Sold $260
Commercial Covers 1937-1990 bundle of 90 with majority addressed to Tattersalls & the British High Commission, Canberra. Many Registered with match…
Sold $75
Commercial Covers 1950's & 1960's range incl 19 with business imprints/envs, 4 Telegram forms incl an 1880 Vasse (faults), Post Office accounts & l…
Sold $210
Commissariat Punctures 1861-1879 1d to 1/- swan selection with majority fine used. Incls 3 horiz pairs & 1871 3d pale brown F/U (SG 63), not listed…
Sold $130
Commissariat Punctures Group of 10 on swans all with small holes on 1861 2d blue x 2, 6d purple brown x 2, 1/- yellow-green x 2, 1864 1d lake, 1864…
Sold $170
Commissariat Punctures Range of 10 all with large holes for 1861 2d blue, 1863/64 1d carmine-rose, no wmk & 6d deep lilac, no wmk, 1864/79 2d yello…
Sold $100
Commissariat Punctures Retired dealers 1861-1868 stock with good to fine used examples, mostly with the characteristic rough perfs typical of this …
Sold $190
Commissariat Punctures Small hole range incl 1/- dull brown imperf SG 4b (damaged), 2d orange imperfs x 3 (1 oxidised), 1861 2d blue x 3 F/U (SG 41…
Sold $260
Documents 1890's-1947 Various useful pickings noting 1890's Western Australia bank cheque (unused) & 1908 Commercial Bank of Australia cheque both …
Sold $200
Embossed Duty Stamps 1905 selection with 15 impressions in deep scarlet ink which are considerably scarcer than examples in red. Vals incl 1/-, 2/6…
Sold $65
Embossed Duty Stamps 1905-1907 range of impressions in red-orange/red ink with a range of vals from 1d to £200. The following values are missing; …
Sold $950
Embossed Duty Stamps 1911-1924 Group on 6 document pieces consisting of 3d on large piece, 10/- x 2 & 15/- with neighbouring State Stamp Office cds…
Sold $70
First Day Covers 1929-1984 selection of plain FDC's serviced at Kelmscott, Yampi & Stretley Park plus cacheted FDCs incl Mitchell. 1937-1938 covers…
Sold $100
Forgeries 1870-1880 Spiro/Fourniers incl 6d green imperf & perforated 1d black, 1d red, 2d blue & 6d purple-brown. Also 2d orange vermilion perfora…
Sold $60
Forgeries Useful range of 6 swan forgeries plus 9 genuine stamps with forged overprints. Incls "I.R." forgeries in black on SG 103 & 104, 1 bar "IR…
Sold $200
Frank Stamps 1890/1901 selection on small pieces with some cut to shape. Karman Cat. numbers & ratings (on cover) provided. Incls Crown Law Offices…
Sold $280
Internal Revenues Selection of dull purple "long type" with 1893 1d (10), 3d (4), 6d (3), 1/- (3), 2/6d (2), 3/-, 5/- (plus postally used example w…
Sold $60
Literature Various WA related soft cover volumes by Creaser x 2, Whittaker & Juhl x 3 plus hard backed "The Philatelic Collection of the WA Museum"…
Sold $150
Medical Overprints Selection on 1d red & 2d yellow swans with date stamps from a range of location across Western Australia. Incls 1d W CR A Albany…
Sold $280
Meter Marks 1934-1971 incl 4 printers samples from 1952 to 1965 for Westfarmers, Dunlop, Shearer & Eve-lyn Foods. Used items incl 3 x Commonwealth …
Sold $50
Officials 1885/1912 range of MH & used all perfined "OS" incl Crown/CA (SG 87 & 99), V/Crown wmk, perf. 12½ (SG 117, 118 x2, 121, 123, 124) & W Cr…
Sold $320
Official Mail 1945-1965 Perth Titles Office envelopes x 5 incl 2 "Lend to Defend, Buy War Savings Certificates" & "Hold All You Have - Buy All You …
Sold $75
Perfins "OS" & "WA" duplicated 1882-1912 range sorted by wmk incl 1885 5d (3), 6d pair & 4 singles, 1/- (6), 1898 6d (8) & 1/- (8), 1912 perf. 11½…
Sold $140
Perfins "OS" ½d green to 10/- dull purple range. Good to fine used selection with minor duplication. (36)
Sold $90
Perfins "OS" 1890-1912 fine used selection incl Crown/CA wmk, perf. 14 4d chestnut (SG 98), 1902/11 wmk V/Crown 2/- red on yellow (SG 124), 2/6d de…
Sold $160
Perfins "OS" range on swans incl ½d green (ACSC W4bb), 1d rose-pink (ACSC W12b), 3d brown (ACSC W27Ab), 9d yellow orange perf. 11 (ACSC W28Cbb), 9…
Sold $210
Perfins "OS" Good to fine used group incl 1d rose-pink (ACSC W13Ab), 2d orange-yellow (ACSC W24b), 4d brown (ACSC W37AB), 9d orange-yellow (ACSC W5…
Sold $130
Perfins "WA" 1d to 10/- range of 16 with 2 perfin variations. All horizontal unless otherwise listed incl wmk Crown/CA, 3d brown, 4d chestnut & 6d …
Sold $260
Perfins "WA" punctured swans accumulation of good to fine used sorted by vals. Incls ½d green x 3, 1d red x 19, 2d yellow x 13, 3d brown x 6, 4d b…
Sold $70
Perfins "WA" range on Hagner with 11 fine used examples. Incls 1895 3d red-brown, wmk Crown/CA, perf. 14 (SG 87), 1902/11 V/Crown wmk perf. 12½ 8d…
Sold $270
Perfins "WA" selection with 15 different vals from ½d green to 5/- emerald. A clean fine used group. (18)
Sold $30
Perfins Private types with a small study on album leaves with 2d to 1/- vals. Noted GW/F (13), HS/&Co, VOCo, MK, DJF & GDCo (3). Incls sideways & i…
Sold $120
Perfins Selection of 18 different "WA" perfins noting Crown/CA wmk ½d green, 3d brown, 4d chestnut, 5d yellow-olive, 6d violet & 1/- green, W Crow…
Sold $190
Perfins Used "WA" & "OS" retired dealers stock neatly arranged in mounts with SG numbers, year & priced. Good to fine used with the majority appear…
Sold $320
Postage Paid Labels 1990's Australia Post counter printed labels on piece from a wide variety of Post Offices. Face vals range from 45c to $20.30 &…
Sold $90
Postal History 1901-1957 selection of 8 covers incl 1901 Sydney to Hobart, 1929 Airmail Port Hedland to Perth, 1935 Registered Perth to Maya with 5…
Sold $100
Postal Stationery Collection with some annotation suggesting possible varieties. Noted PC1, PC2 x 3, PC3, PC4, PC5 & PC20 plus Facsimile of the ½d…
Sold $220
Postal Stationery A group consisting of Postcards PC1 fine unused, PC3 unused (surface damage), PC4 unused (tape at left), PC5 fine unused, PC6 fin…


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