Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
States and Territories: Western Australia |
 1860 2d orange-vermilion with good clear margins, irregular at right. Unused without gum. Striking colour. SG 25, Cat. £150 $40 Sold $30 |
 1860 2d orange in both shades with pale orange having 3 margins & top just touching (SG 24) plus orange vermilion with 4 close to touching margins … $50 Sold $50 |
 1860 2d orange-vermilion imperf pair with very good to large margins. Fine MNG. Ex Brian Pope. SG 25, Cat. £300+ $150 Sold $525 |
 1860 2d orange-vermilion. A superb 4 margin unused example with fresh bright colour. SG 25, Cat. £150 $75 Sold $170 |
 1860 2d orange-vermilion with upright swan wmk distinct from the front. Close even margins. MLH with o.g. SG 25a (unpriced by SG) $180 Sold $180 |
 1864 4d blue with fine margins on 3 sides & just touching at bottom right. Fine MNG. SG 26, Cat. £350 $120 Sold $160 |
 1864 4d blue with complete clear even margins. Lightly used & a superb example. SG 26, Cat. £2500 $900 Sold $900 |
 1864 4d blue with spectacular pre-printing diagonal fold at lower left. MBG with good clear, even margins. A most attractive example. SG 26, Cat. Â… $300 Sold $220 |
 1864 4d blue with upright wmk. Very close to very good 3 margins. MNG with rich colour. SG 26, Cat. £350 $100 Sold $150 |
 1864 4d blue, wmk sideways with offset on reverse. Light surface rub at lower left otherwise unused & a striking offset. RPS London Cert. (1972), S… $200 Sold $160 |
 1864 4d blue with wmk sideways. Imperf with clear even margins. Superb unused without gum. Lovely colour & finest we have seen. SG 26a, Cat. £3,500 $1200 Sold $400 |
 1864 4d blue with very clear off-set on reverse. Very fine unused without gum with 3 generous margins, just touching at right. The first off-set we… $250 Sold $150 |
 1860 4d deep blue with 2 prominent pre-printing paper creases. MNG with clear even margins. Quite striking on the blue backgrounds. SG 27, Cat. £3… $280 Sold $280 |
 1860 4d deep blue with very good to just touching at right. MNG. SG 27, Cat. £350 $90 Sold $130 |
 1860 4d deep blue with 4 clear generous margins. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle duplex cancel. An "exhibition quality example! SG 27, Cat. £2… $1200 Sold $1200 |
 1861 6d sage green with close to touching margins. Neatly used by blue BN"1". Sismondo (2002) Cert. SG 28, Cat. £400 $120 Sold $120 |
 1861 6d sage-green x 3 used examples with 2-3 margins on each. First used with 15 bar "12" numeral cancel for Northam (scarce cancel), next with 15… $300 Sold $220 |
 1861 6d sage-green x 3 with close to touching margins. All fine to lightly used, one with 15 bar "16" York numeral & another with neat part GPO dup… $260 Sold $260 |
 1861 6d sage-green. MLH, damaged at lower right (SG 28) & deep sage-green (SG 28a) with 4 close margins. Both used, the latter purchased for $240 a… $150 Sold $120 |
 1860 deep sage-green with close to touching margins. Fine used with neat 15 bar "6" Albany cancel. SG 28a, Cat. £550 $120 Sold $120 |
 1860 2d pale orange clearly rouletted at left & partially at base. Trimmed top & right. MNG with 5 vert parallel "watermark" lines visible from fro… $120 Sold $120 |
 1860 2d pale orange with rouletting visible along the top only. MNG with close but clear margins. Small natural paper inclusion near swans neck. SG… $120 Archived |
 1860 2d pale orange rouletted on top frame used with light 15 bar "5" Guildford cancel (SG 29, Cat. £300) & 2d orange-vermilion rouletted on 3 sid… $100 Sold $100 |
 1860 2d orange-vermilion rouletted on 3½ sides, trimmed top right side but margins clear. MNG. SG 30, Cat. £900 $180 Sold $140 |
 1860 2d orange-vermilion, rouletted 7½-14 clear margins. MNG, slightly oxidised. SG 30, Cat. £900 $200 Sold $200 |
 1860 6d sage-green imperf with evidence of rouletting at top. Close to clear margins all round, just touching at lower left. Neatly struck BN "9" o… $200 Sold $160 |
 1860 6d sage-green. Rouletted & fine used with light BN cancel. SG 32, Cat. £750 $200 Sold $160 |
 1860 6d sage green rouletted on 3 side fine used with BN "1" in blue ink. A very F/U example. SG 32, Cat. £750. Sold in Ace Auctions Sale 7 for $2… $200 Sold $200 |
 1860 6d sage-green rouletted on 3 sides. Used by 15 bar "2" Perth numeral cancel. Thinned top right reflected in reserve. SG 32, Cat. £750 $50 Sold $50 |
 1860 6d sage-green rouletted on 4 sides. Fine used with 15 bar "3" Perth numeral. Repaired closed tear top left resulting in an attractive "spacefi… $50 Sold $50 |
 1860 6d sage-green, rouletted 7½-14 on 3 sides. Some scissoring, so no sides with complete roulette. Fine used with light partial BN "3". SG 32, C… $150 Sold $150 |
 1861 1d rose. Unused without gum. Excellent colour. SG 33, Cat. £750 $120 Sold $75 |
 1861 1d rose, 2d blue x 3, 6d purple-brown x 2. Good to fine used examples with odd perf irregularity. SG 33 & 36, Cat. £500 (6) $90 Sold $50 |
 1861 2d blue with sideway wmk, Perf 14-16. Unused without gum. Trimmed right margin hence low reserve but deep colour. SG 34, Cat. £250 $30 Sold $30 |
 1861 4d vermilion. Fine unused without gum. Trimmed bottom perfs but excellent colour & a difficult stamp. SG 35, Cat. £1900 $300 Sold $100 |
 1861 4d vermilion. Looks very much to have clear-cut perfs but such a stamp is not recorded so is it an SG 35 which is cat. £1900? Sold "as is" bu… $750 Sold $560 |
 1861 6d purple-brown intermediate perf. 14-16 unused. MNG & well centred. SG 36, Cat. £1100 $220 Archived |
 1861 6d brown-purple intermediate perf. 14-16. F/U with 15 bar "2" Perth cancel. SG 36, Cat. £120+ $40 Sold $48 |
 1861 6d purple-brown, intermediate perf. 14-16. Fine MLH with o.g. SG 36, Cat. £1100 $240 Sold $240 |
 1861 1/- yellow-green with intermediate perf. 14-16. F/U with light GPO duplex cancel. SG 37, Cat. £250 $50 Sold $75 |
 1861 Somerset House perf. 14 set of 3 with 1d rose MNG (corner perf missing), 2d blue MH with part o.g., centred left & 4d vermilion mint without g… $180 Sold $70 |
 1861 Somerset House as above but all fine used with the usual mixed centring. SG 38/40, Cat. £310 (3) $80 Sold $50 |
 1861 1d rose. MH with o.g. Good colour & reasonable centring. SG 38 $75 Sold $75 |
 1861 1d rose. Trimmed top & right but all perfs intact. MH/MLH with tissue interleaving. SG 38, Cat. £375 $80 Sold $65 |
 1861 1d rose-carmine, 1/- deep green & 3 x 1d rose perf. 14 (Somerset House), perf 14-16 very rough. All good to fine used with odd clipped perf. S… $100 Sold $100 |
 1861 4d vermilion, perf 14 at Somerset House. Fresh MLH left selvedge example with small hinge remnant at upper right. SG 40, Cat. £475 $150 Sold $150 |
 1861 4d vermilion, perf 14 (Somerset House). Fine used with crisp 15 bar "21" Vasse numeral cancel. Centred left by strong rich colour. SG 40, Cat.… $60 Sold $60 |
 1861 4d vermilion. Fine used with light BN"1" grid. SG 40, Cat. £200 $50 Sold $40 |
 1861 4d vermilion used with light BN "3". Well centred with bright colour. SG 40, Cat. £200 $75 Sold $60 |
 1861 4d vermilion with "POSTAGE" cut off by perfs at top. Clear margins but trimmed at right & base. MNG, bright colour. SG 40, Cat. £475 $50 Sold $40 |