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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: Western Australia
1860 2d orange-vermilion with good clear margins, irregular at right. Unused without gum. Striking colour. SG 25, Cat. £150
Sold $30
1860 2d orange in both shades with pale orange having 3 margins & top just touching (SG 24) plus orange vermilion with 4 close to touching margins …
Sold $50
1860 2d orange-vermilion imperf pair with very good to large margins. Fine MNG. Ex Brian Pope. SG 25, Cat. £300+
Sold $525
1860 2d orange-vermilion. A superb 4 margin unused example with fresh bright colour. SG 25, Cat. £150
Sold $170
1860 2d orange-vermilion with upright swan wmk distinct from the front. Close even margins. MLH with o.g. SG 25a (unpriced by SG)
Sold $180
1864 4d blue with fine margins on 3 sides & just touching at bottom right. Fine MNG. SG 26, Cat. £350
Sold $160
1864 4d blue with complete clear even margins. Lightly used & a superb example. SG 26, Cat. £2500
Sold $900
1864 4d blue with spectacular pre-printing diagonal fold at lower left. MBG with good clear, even margins. A most attractive example. SG 26, Cat. Â…
Sold $220
1864 4d blue with upright wmk. Very close to very good 3 margins. MNG with rich colour. SG 26, Cat. £350
Sold $150
1864 4d blue, wmk sideways with offset on reverse. Light surface rub at lower left otherwise unused & a striking offset. RPS London Cert. (1972), S…
Sold $160
1864 4d blue with wmk sideways. Imperf with clear even margins. Superb unused without gum. Lovely colour & finest we have seen. SG 26a, Cat. £3,500
Sold $400
1864 4d blue with very clear off-set on reverse. Very fine unused without gum with 3 generous margins, just touching at right. The first off-set we…
Sold $150
1860 4d deep blue with 2 prominent pre-printing paper creases. MNG with clear even margins. Quite striking on the blue backgrounds. SG 27, Cat. £3…
Sold $280
1860 4d deep blue with very good to just touching at right. MNG. SG 27, Cat. £350
Sold $130
1860 4d deep blue with 4 clear generous margins. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle duplex cancel. An "exhibition quality example! SG 27, Cat. £2…
Sold $1200
1861 6d sage green with close to touching margins. Neatly used by blue BN"1". Sismondo (2002) Cert. SG 28, Cat. £400
Sold $120
1861 6d sage-green x 3 used examples with 2-3 margins on each. First used with 15 bar "12" numeral cancel for Northam (scarce cancel), next with 15…
Sold $220
1861 6d sage-green x 3 with close to touching margins. All fine to lightly used, one with 15 bar "16" York numeral & another with neat part GPO dup…
Sold $260
1861 6d sage-green. MLH, damaged at lower right (SG 28) & deep sage-green (SG 28a) with 4 close margins. Both used, the latter purchased for $240 a…
Sold $120
1860 deep sage-green with close to touching margins. Fine used with neat 15 bar "6" Albany cancel. SG 28a, Cat. £550
Sold $120
1860 2d pale orange clearly rouletted at left & partially at base. Trimmed top & right. MNG with 5 vert parallel "watermark" lines visible from fro…
Sold $120
1860 2d pale orange with rouletting visible along the top only. MNG with close but clear margins. Small natural paper inclusion near swans neck. SG…
1860 2d pale orange rouletted on top frame used with light 15 bar "5" Guildford cancel (SG 29, Cat. £300) & 2d orange-vermilion rouletted on 3 sid…
Sold $100
1860 2d orange-vermilion rouletted on 3½ sides, trimmed top right side but margins clear. MNG. SG 30, Cat. £900
Sold $140
1860 2d orange-vermilion, rouletted 7½-14 clear margins. MNG, slightly oxidised. SG 30, Cat. £900
Sold $200
1860 6d sage-green imperf with evidence of rouletting at top. Close to clear margins all round, just touching at lower left. Neatly struck BN "9" o…
Sold $160
1860 6d sage-green. Rouletted & fine used with light BN cancel. SG 32, Cat. £750
Sold $160
1860 6d sage green rouletted on 3 side fine used with BN "1" in blue ink. A very F/U example. SG 32, Cat. £750. Sold in Ace Auctions Sale 7 for $2…
Sold $200
1860 6d sage-green rouletted on 3 sides. Used by 15 bar "2" Perth numeral cancel. Thinned top right reflected in reserve. SG 32, Cat. £750
Sold $50
1860 6d sage-green rouletted on 4 sides. Fine used with 15 bar "3" Perth numeral. Repaired closed tear top left resulting in an attractive "spacefi…
Sold $50
1860 6d sage-green, rouletted 7½-14 on 3 sides. Some scissoring, so no sides with complete roulette. Fine used with light partial BN "3". SG 32, C…
Sold $150
1861 1d rose. Unused without gum. Excellent colour. SG 33, Cat. £750
Sold $75
1861 1d rose, 2d blue x 3, 6d purple-brown x 2. Good to fine used examples with odd perf irregularity. SG 33 & 36, Cat. £500 (6)
Sold $50
1861 2d blue with sideway wmk, Perf 14-16. Unused without gum. Trimmed right margin hence low reserve but deep colour. SG 34, Cat. £250
Sold $30
1861 4d vermilion. Fine unused without gum. Trimmed bottom perfs but excellent colour & a difficult stamp. SG 35, Cat. £1900
Sold $100
1861 4d vermilion. Looks very much to have clear-cut perfs but such a stamp is not recorded so is it an SG 35 which is cat. £1900? Sold "as is" bu…
Sold $560
1861 6d purple-brown intermediate perf. 14-16 unused. MNG & well centred. SG 36, Cat. £1100
1861 6d brown-purple intermediate perf. 14-16. F/U with 15 bar "2" Perth cancel. SG 36, Cat. £120+
Sold $48
1861 6d purple-brown, intermediate perf. 14-16. Fine MLH with o.g. SG 36, Cat. £1100
Sold $240
1861 1/- yellow-green with intermediate perf. 14-16. F/U with light GPO duplex cancel. SG 37, Cat. £250
Sold $75
1861 Somerset House perf. 14 set of 3 with 1d rose MNG (corner perf missing), 2d blue MH with part o.g., centred left & 4d vermilion mint without g…
Sold $70
1861 Somerset House as above but all fine used with the usual mixed centring. SG 38/40, Cat. £310 (3)
Sold $50
1861 1d rose. MH with o.g. Good colour & reasonable centring. SG 38
Sold $75
1861 1d rose. Trimmed top & right but all perfs intact. MH/MLH with tissue interleaving. SG 38, Cat. £375
Sold $65
1861 1d rose-carmine, 1/- deep green & 3 x 1d rose perf. 14 (Somerset House), perf 14-16 very rough. All good to fine used with odd clipped perf. S…
Sold $100
1861 4d vermilion, perf 14 at Somerset House. Fresh MLH left selvedge example with small hinge remnant at upper right. SG 40, Cat. £475
Sold $150
1861 4d vermilion, perf 14 (Somerset House). Fine used with crisp 15 bar "21" Vasse numeral cancel. Centred left by strong rich colour. SG 40, Cat.…
Sold $60
1861 4d vermilion. Fine used with light BN"1" grid. SG 40, Cat. £200
Sold $40
1861 4d vermilion used with light BN "3". Well centred with bright colour. SG 40, Cat. £200
Sold $60
1861 4d vermilion with "POSTAGE" cut off by perfs at top. Clear margins but trimmed at right & base. MNG, bright colour. SG 40, Cat. £475
Sold $40


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