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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarkers/Handstamps
Kirup W.A. 8cm handle with large, tall crown in a bigger font with no "P.O".
Sold $140
Kwelkan Westn Australia D26 cds used from 12-04-15 until close 01-04-45. Rusted at the date illustrated in PMI of 27 MAR 45. Has the original Post …
Sold $200
Lake Brown W.A. Large font and large crown. Short 8cm handle.
MORE TO PAY & T 402 The former is oval with space below to write in the fee owing. It has a more ornate handle but some cracking at the top. The la…
Sold $250
Mulline P.O. W.A. Turned 9cm handle with standard crown. Some discolouration on face.
Sold $90
Nembudding W.A. Plain 9cm handle with deep crown. Some rust around join to face but face in good cond. Again no "P.O."
Sold $140
Qualeup West Aust Long handle type (12cms) with wide crown.
Strawberry Westn Australia D27 cds used from 1-04-09 to 20-07-26. 9cm handle. Date slug & steel head rusted at 1 APR 47 with side adjustment pin mi…
Sold $250
TOO LATE & UNCLAIMED single line cancels with 10.5cm & 8cm handles respectively. Latter with user-friendly thumb indentation for comfort! Both with…
Sold $220
Walkaway P.O. W.A. Long 12cm handle with "deep" crown. Some surface scratching appearing from rough treatment in stationary draw!
Sold $95
Woolgangie West Aust E30 cds used from 13-10-48 to close. Head heavily rusted but with original date slug adjustment pin. Date set at 28 MY 51 with…
Sold $420
Western Australia: Postmarks
Albany Mailroom ORS1 Clear complete strike on piece dated 13 NOV 1955. Rated "very scarce" by Goulder & the earliest recorded date.
Sold $40
Armadale Savings Bank Sbi in violet ink on 2d yellow swan for 17 MY 1904. PMI dates 6/05/04 to 20/5/04 & rated "rare" by Goulder. Quite a light but…
Sold $100
Balladonia A25 bullseye strike on 2d SA Cent dated 31 DEC 42. Useful LRD.
Sold $30
Belmont East C30 Stunning bold & complete tying 3½d Young Farmers to piece. PMI only recorded date is 17-11-45 so LRD at 30 JE 53. (1)
Sold $110
Belmont Park Wright St E31a Complete strike tying 2½d Von Mueller on piece. Indistinct date though issue dates it around 1948. PMI only date 5 JU 47!
Sold $40
Beverley 3b on 2d yellow swans x 4 each with a different index for nil, 2, 3 & 4. All fine to very fine. (4)
Sold $40
Beverley A25 on ½d green & 1d red Die II KGV dated 22 NOV 19 on env addressed to Perth. Roughly opened but not affecting the 2 complete clear stri…
Sold $30
Beverley PAID W29 Archival strike for 9 JA 35. Fine & complete.
Sold $30
Beverley Postmaster ORS1 with 6304 postcode dated 21 JAN 1977 on piece from PO form. Rated very scarce by Goulder. (1)
Sold $40
Beverley Savings Bank Sbi 65% strike on 1d red swan for OC 17 05. Only PMI listed date is 22-07-05.
Sold $40
Beverley Savings Bank Sbii Light part strike on 5d yellow-olive swan. PMI has listed only one date 22-07-05. Obviously very limited use with the da…
Sold $80
Beverley Savings Bank Sbii on 2d yellow swan. 60% strike for JE 1 04. PMI dates 10-03-03 to 1-06-04.
Sold $40
Big Brook A27 on 1d red kangaroo for JU 17 14. PMI dates 13-01-15 to 19-02-15. 70% strike with an early date. (1)
Sold $100
Black Boy Hill Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 Partial 35% strike on ½d green kangaroo perfined "OS" in blue ink with incomplete date. Not listed in …
Sold $40
Black Flag 3b-a complete strike on piece without stamp dated JA 28 02. PMI dates 18-08-00 to 5-09-02. Crisp clear example.
Sold $100
Black Snake A30 75% strike on 1½d red KGV for 16 OC 24. PMI dates 17-12-25 to 25-03-26. Group settlement No 87.
Sold $170
Blackboy Hill D25 & C28 Complete strikes on piece. D25 on 1d KGV red & C28 on Sydney Harbour Bridge. Fine examples.
Sold $40
Blackrange 3b on 1d red swan on cut-out stationery piece dated AU 7 06. The "7" & "AU" are inverted while the year is the correct way up. This slug…
Bokal C29 on 2d red KGV for 1 DE 33. Premium example.
Sold $42
Bonnievale 3b indices nil & 1 with latter on 1d red swan for AP 15 03. PMI dates 8-06-01 to 4-05-09. Index 1 on 2d grey swan dated SP 17 00 & is no…
Sold $65
Bonnivale Savings Bank Sbi Complete & 85% strikes on vertical 1d red swans pair dated NO 2 00. Not recorded in PMI & rated "rare" by Goulder.
Sold $170
Boorabbin 3b-a in blue ink on 1d red swans pair for MY 19 99. PMI dates 13-02-99 to 12-11-99.
Boorabbin 3b-a Two separate complete upright strikes in blue ink on 2d grey swan on piece dated FE 13 99. PMI dates this from this date to 21-11-99…
Sold $80
Boorabbin 3b-b 2 bullseye strikes on 2d yellow swan for MR 17 01 & on postal stationary cut out from a registered envelope dated OC 2 11. Both very…
Boulder 3b Range of index numbers for 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 & 19. A fine lot with many complete or mostly complete strikes. …
Sold $60
Boulder R.A.A.F P.O. Full crisp strike on card dated 7 AP 45(?) Appears to be an archival strike. (1)
Sold $40
Boyanup Telegraph Office ORS1 on 2d grey swan dated 17 APR 1899. PMC date c 1899-1900. A useful part strike.
Sold $40
Broad Arrow 3b-a on 2d grey swan on piece for JY 18 99 in mauve & 3b-b on 5d bistre swan dated OC 16 99. Both very fine examples.
Broome 3b-a on 3d brown swans pair for MY 22 00 & 3b-3 on 2d yellow for MR 8 06, latter 95% strike.
Broome Hill Complete strike tying 1d kangaroo to piece with additional neighbouring full strike dated MY 27 14, then days after the PMI LRD of 16-0…
Sold $55
Broome Savings Bank Sbii Light variable strike on 1/- green swan. Rarely seen on 1/- stamps. (1-2)
Sold $15
Broomehill Savings Bank SB1. A fine bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan on piece dated JA 11 08.
Sold $30
Brown Hill Savings Bank SB1 on part Savings Bank stationery dated JU 8 13. Partly covered by L shaped strip of three x 1d kangaroos perfined large …
Sold $190
Bruce Rock Postmaster ORS1 for 5 OCT 1978 & Telegraph Office Bruce Rock ORS 2 dated 29 DEC 1983. Both complete & fine strikes on piece. (2)
Sold $50
Bruce Rock Postmaster ORS1. Clear impression on small piece from Official form for 19 NOV 1962. PMI & PMC dates stated as c1978. This example is 16…
Brunswick 3b index 1 on 2d grey swan for OC 1 00. Very fine crisp strike.
Sold $20
Brunswick Junction Post & Telegraph Office ORS 4. Two light but discernible strikes on 1d block of 4 swans. Indiscernible date. Not recorded in PMI…
Bulong 3b-a on 1d red swans pair for JY 30 96 & 3b-b on 1d red swans swan dated NO 13 07. Both with complete strikes.
Bulyee A27 Bullseye strike on 1½d red KGV on piece with early MY 14 29 date. Fine.
Sold $20


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