Lot No |
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Est. |
Western Australia: Postmarks |
 Coongan Complete strike on 1d kangaroo on piece dated 1923, 10 years after the listed dates in PMI from 16-01-13 to 12-06-13. Clear with the charac… $200 Sold $240 |
 Coorang D26 on 2d yellow swan for 3 OC 10. PMI dates 19-01-10 to renaming as Youanmi 7-10-11. Somewhat smudged but a 80% strike rarely seen. $40 Sold $65 |
 Cossack B29 Almost complete strike on 1d red kangaroo for 15 MY 14. PMI dates ?-07-11 to 22-10-13 thus a late dated copy. $40 Sold $120 |
 Cottesloe Beach C30 Bold strike tying 1d QM to piece dated 9 MR 44. The LRD in PMI is 30-12-30. Renamed Buckland Hill on 1st Jan 1931 with no evide… $60 Sold $60 |
 Cottesloe Beach C30 on 3d red KGV dated 15 OC 30. PMI dated 24-11-30 to 30-12-30. Short period of use before being renamed Buckland Hill on 1-01-31… $40 Sold $160 |
 Courtney A31 on 1½d red KGV for 29 NO 26. PMI dates 22-10-24 to 16-04-25. Group Settlement No. 78. Fine 60% part strike. $30 Sold $30 |
 Crowither D27 in violet ink on 2d yellow swan for 26 NOV 08. PMI dates 12-09-08 to 26-11-08. Renamed Narngulu in 1909. Variable but rarely seen. No… $40 Sold $44 |
 Cuballing B30 complete strike on 1d red swan on piece dated 3 FE 13. Rarely seen on swans. $40 Sold $40 |
 Cuballing Post & Telegraph Office ORS 4 on 9d violet 1st wmk kangaroo for 31 MAY 1915. PMI dates 21-07-13 to 10-03-14. Useful 65% strike on this st… $40 Sold $420 |
 Cuddingwarra 3b Superb 80% strike on 2d yellow swan for MY 6 08. PMI dates 8-12-99 to 6-05-08. Rated "rare" by Goulder. $40 Sold $65 |
 Cuddingwarra D27 on 3d brown swan for 10 JUN 08. PMI dates 8-07-08 to ? (closed 31-10-14). (1) $30 Sold $65 |
 Cue Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 Two different types on piece from Telegram forms with dates 17 JUN 1899 & 4 MAR 01. PMI dates 1899-1901. Good clea… $40 Sold $50 |
 Cue Savings Bank Sbii Variable but complete on 1d red swan for MR 3 05. PMI dates 20-009-97 to 30-03-05. (1) $30 Sold $42 |
 Cue Telegraph Office Oval rubber stamp which is a mixture between ORS types 2 & 3 in that it has a double outside oval but the inside oval is not s… $100 Sold $100 |
 Damboring B28 tying 1d QM on piece. Full crisp strike but variable date, ? ? 45. Useful on piece. $20 Sold $16 |
 Lake Darot (a) 3b on 1½d red KGV for AU 1 25. Closed 1930. Lake Darlot was renamed "Darlot" in 1914. Rated (1) by Goulder. $40 Sold $75 |
 Day Dawn Savings Bank Sbi 50% strike on Plate 1 left selvedge 5d bistre swan for AP ? ?. PMI dates 31-05-05 to 5-02-08. (1) $50 Sold $40 |
 Day Dawn Savings Bank Sbi on 3d brown swan for JY 15 07. PMI dates 31-05-05 to 5-02-08. A crisp 90% strike. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
 Day Dawn Telegraph Office ORS 2 on piece from Telegraph form dated 3 JUN 96. Only PMI date is c1896. Very fine. $40 Sold $40 |
 Day Dawn Telegraph Office ORS2 dated 16 JUN 96 on Electric Telegraph Western Australia form with message sent from the under-secretary of Mines, Pe… $150 Sold $150 |
 Daylerking 3a on 2d yellow swan dated JU 1 09. PMI dates c. 1902 to 11-04-12. Neat clear & upright. (1) $30 Sold $46 |
 Denmark Postmaster ORS1 Cut around on brown paper dated 23 OCT 1944. PMC dates it c1964 which this example exceeds by about 20 years. Rated "rare" … $70 Archived |
 Denninup Vale B30 75% strike on 1d red KGV 3 MY 15. PMI dates 2-09-13 to 15-02-15. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
 Denninup Vale B3a 60% strike on 1d kangaroo for 23 JL 14. PMI dates 2-09-13 to 15-02-15. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
 Desdemona D27 on 2d yellow swan for 10 SEP 08. PMI dates 9-02-09 to 20-02-13. Clear example. (1) $30 Sold $65 |
 Desmond D28 on 1d kangaroo on piece dated 20 JE 13. PMI dates 21-09-12 to 20-02-15. $30 Sold $38 |
 Dinninup B30 on 1d red swan for 30 JL 12. PMI dates 4-06-12 to 7-04-52. Rarely seen on swans. $30 Sold $30 |
 Diorite King 3b Index "00" on 2d yellow swan for AP 14 99. PMI dates 24-10-97 to 25-05-01. (1) $30 Sold $65 |
 Diorite King A28 65% strike on 1d red swan pair on piece dated 23 FE 1908. Useful early date. (1) $30 Sold $60 |
 Diorite King A28 on 2d yellow swan dated 9 MR 14. PMI dates 8-06-09 to ? Light variable strike but remains useful. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
 Dongara Savings Bank Sbi complete & part strikes on 1d rose-pink pair with C/A wmk. Dated MY 19 08. PMI dates 11-03-08 to 18-07-08. Due to this sho… $50 Sold $20 |
 Dongarra Savings Bank Sbi on 1d swan for MR 7 08. PMI dates 11-03-08 to 18-07-08. Attractive 90% upright strike. $40 Sold $40 |
 Donnybrook 3b Nil index on 1d red swans vert pair on piece for DE 10 98. (1) $30 Sold $30 |
 Donnybrook W.A. Post & Telegraph Office ORS3 Fine complete strike on piece signed by postmaster dated 27 JAN 00. Not listed in PMI or PMC. Ex Brian… $100 Sold $110 |
 Doodlakine Savings Bank Sbv 80% light strike on 1d red swan for 12 DEC 11. PMI dates 30-11-11 to 26-01-12. (1) $40 Sold $48 |
 Doorawarrah A31 on 1½d red KGV for 24 OC 25 & another full strike on ½d kangaroo & 6d kookaburra in purple ink dated 13 AU 51. PMI dates 11-10-30… $30 Sold $30 |
 Duketon 3b 80% strike on 5d olive swan dated MR 31 05. PMI dates 28-07-04 to 5-06-08. Fine, crsip strike. (1) $30 Sold $20 |
 Dunreath R.A.A.F Complete cds dated 25 MY 46 tying 1½d QM to piece. Rated "rare" $50 Sold $50 |
 Dwellingup Bush Landing C28 Complete strike on 2d red KGV on piece for 25 NO 30. PMI dates 7-10-30 to 9-12-61. Bold & clear example. $30 Sold $65 |
 East Mornington B29 Light 80% strike on 1d red swan for 25 SE 12. PMI dates 24-01-13 to close on 12-05-30. Unusual on swans. $30 Sold $75 |
 Edjudina 3b Superb bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan dated OC 10 08. PMI dates 7-06-04 to 25-03-12. Stunning! (1) $40 Sold $40 |
 Edjudina B28 on 1d red kangaroo for 23 JE 14. A very early date with PMI dating it from 13-08-23 to close on 31-08-26. Quality 85% strike. (1) $40 Sold $160 |
 Edjudina C31 Lovely bullseye strike on 2d red KGV dated 18 FE 37. PMI dates 18-05-36 to close on 1-11-40. (1-2) $30 Sold $60 |
 Ellensbrook A26 2 strikes on 1½d green KGV on piece dated 29 FE 24. Possibly ERD with PMI dating from 18-06-24 to 18-06-29. Group settlement No.51… $30 Sold $90 |
 Erliston E30 Complete strike on 2d red KGVI 2 JE 38. PMI dates 8-07-38 to 1-01-42. (1) $30 Sold $75 |
 Esperance Savings Bank Sbii. Superb bullseye strike on 9d orange with Crown/double lined A upright wmk (SG 145b). An extremely rare postmark not li… $300 Sold $300 |
 Evanston E31 Complete but variable strike on 2d red KGVI on piece dated 10 AP 41. PMI dates 9-05-40 to close on 15-07-43. (1) $40 Sold $90 |
 Ewington A28 Light variable 80% strike on 2d red KGV dated 3 SE 23. PMI dates 7-02-21 to close in 1927. (1) $20 Sold $38 |
 Eyre A25 Fine crisp strikes on 2d yellow swans horiz pair for 9 FEB 14. PMI dates 3-09-09 to 7-03-22. $30 Sold $75 |
 Ferguson D27 undated archival strike. Fine $25 Sold $25 |