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Est. |
Western Australia: Revenues |
 1943 2/6d orange Pig Duty on small piece used with 2 part cancels. Elsmore Cat. $100 $40 Sold $110 |
 1872/78 1d ochre ovptd "IR" with "POSTAGE" obliterated by 2 green bars cancelled by "Dear 3rd 1881" in m/s plus another with one with one bar & "No… $90 Sold $90 |
 1891 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 12½, wmk CR/CC with thick bar obliterator across "POSTAGE" & "IR" in green, 1d yellow-ochre perf. 14, wmk CR/CC with o… $60 Sold $60 |
 1893 2d Internal Revenue Fine used on piece with a full Fremantle 1894 duplex. SG F12, Cat. £80 used $50 Sold $50 |
 1893 3/- & 5/- Internal Revenues postally used in contravention of the Act. 3/- has a few toned perfs otherwise fine with blue cancel. (2) $180 Archived |
 1893 "I.R. THREE PENCE" ovpt on unissued 3d lilac swan. Fine MLH. $50 Sold $50 |
 1893 "I.R." ovpts x 3 on unissued 3d lilac for "TWO PENCE" (a little faded), "THREE PENCE" & "SIX PENCE". All fine postally used examples cancelled… $100 Sold $80 |
 1872/78 1d ochre ovptd "IR" with "POSTAGE" obliterated by 2 green bars, wmk Crown/CC, perf 14. Very fine fiscally used in m/s. Dzelme Cat. No R1, D… $40 Sold $30 |
 1872/78 1d ochre showing 2 green bars obliterating "POSTAGE" with "IR" below. Crown/CC wmk, perf. 12½. Fine fiscally used in m/s for "2/3/82". $60 Sold $50 |
 1881 1d yellow-ochre with "POSTAGE" struck out & "IR" ovpt inserted. Crown CC wmk, perf 14. Fine fiscally used & dated "3rd Feb 82". Superb. $60 Sold $50 |
 1881 "ONE PENNY" to "FIVE POUNDS" "I.R." surcharged set on 3d lilac unissued stamps ovptd in black. Note £10 not included. 1d, 2d & £1/10/- have … $150 Sold $120 |
 1881 2/6d, 7/6d, 10/-, 15/-, £1 & £1/10/- Internal Revenues with "narrow" Crown/CA wmk. All F/U with the 3 lower vals having m/s cancels while th… $100 Sold $70 |
 1881 3d lilac Internal Revenues ovptd "I.R." & surcharged with new denomination in black words on document pieces incl "FIVE SHILLINGS" pair & "TEN… $60 Sold $40 |
 1881 3d "Internal Revenue" (R18), 1/- "Internal Revenue" (R21), 5/- "Internal Revenue" (R24) & 2/6d "Internal Revenue" in horiz strip of 4 (R22) pl… $50 Archived |
 1881 3d "Internal Revenue" (R19) in combination with 1/- (R21) & 5/- (R24) (stamps a little foxed around the edges) plus 2/6d "Internal Revenue" in… $60 Archived |
 1881 3d "Internal Revenue" (R19), 1/- "Internal Revenue" (R21) & 5/- "Internal Revenue" (R24) used together & a 5/- pair (R24) on another piece. Al… $40 Archived |
 1881 6d (R20), 1/- x 2 (R21), 2/6d x 2 on 2 separate pieces (R22) & 5/- (R24) plus another 2 x 5/- (R24), 10/- "R26" & £1 "R28" all used, the latt… $80 Sold $55 |
 1881 1/- "Internal Revenue" in horiz strip of 3 (R21), 2/6d "Internal Revenue" with two vert strips of 3 (R22) & 10/- "Internal Revenue" (R26). All… $40 Sold $30 |
 1881 10/- "Internal Revenue" block of 4 & single plus £1 x 8 with 2 pairs & 4 singles. Cancelled by "Sub-collector of Revenue Date…........" cac… $180 Sold $120 |
 1881 3d violet swans ovptd "I.R." at the top with a new denomination at the base in words. Incls 2d x 2 mint & 2 postally used, 3d & 6d postally us… $90 Sold $90 |
 1881 10/-, £1 & £10 Internal Revenue high val pairs on narrow Crown CA wmkd paper. Fine in fiscally used pairs. Elsmore Cat. $280 (6) $90 Sold $70 |
 1881/93 Internal Revenues Fiscals page with Dzelme R3 (fiscal), R4 2d x 7 incl block of 4 mint, 2 mint singles & 1 postally used before 2 x 3d & a … $180 Sold $180 |
 1893 Internal Revenues postally used page with 1d violet x 6 incl F/U strip of 4 with Cue 3b in violet ink, 2d violet F/U with part Fremantle duple… $150 Sold $150 |
 1893 Internal Revenues fiscally used range consisting 1d, 2d, 1/- (3), 2/6d, 5/- (2), 10/-, £1 & £5 plus 1899 1d, 3d, 6d & 2/6d x 2. Good to very… $90 Sold $60 |
 1893 2d dull purple Internal Revenue. MLH with light album tan lines. SG F12, Cat. £325 $60 Sold $50 |
 1893 Internal Revenues small swan lilac surcharge for "TWO PENCE" MLH & used, "THREE PENCE" MLH with tone spot & reg used & "SIX PENCE" used on pie… $100 Sold $100 |
 1893 2d dull purple (SG F12) F/U with part Perth duplex (Cat. £90+) & postally used "I.R. TWO PENCE" ovpt on 3d unissued lilac swan block of 4 wit… $40 Sold $90 |
 1893 2d dull purple in top selvedge pair. Appears MUH but selvedge has been folded back & adhered to the back of the stamps. SG F12, Cat. £650 $200 Sold $200 |
 1893 2d dull purple on Perth addressed cover tied by Perth duplex for FEB 21 1894. Fine cond. SG F12, Cat. £900 on cover $300 Sold $300 |
 1893/97 Internal Revenue, Crown over CA wmk postally used group with 1d (SG F11(7)), 3d (SG F13(5)), 6d (SG F14(4)) & 1/- (SG F15(3)) plus W Crown … $150 Sold $120 |
 1904 2/6d dull purple Internal Revenue, wmk W Crown A. MLH with large hinge remnant otherwise fine is all respects. Dzelme R61 $50 Sold $40 |
 1904 £25 blackish-purple, perf 13½. Fine with light fiscal handstamp. Elsmore Cat. $100 $50 Sold $40 |
 1904/20 3d red, 10/- red, £1/10/- x 4 in 3 diff shades & £100 red "Supreme Court Fees". All fine MUH, latter with top selvedge. (7) $50 Sold $40 |
 1904 (21st Apr) 1/- Internal Revenue x 4 attractively cancelled by bold clear "C.O. FERGUSON AUTHORIZED TO CANCEL STAMPS 21 APR 1904" in violet. Th… $80 Sold $80 |
 1904 3d carmine-vermilion with upper right Register mark. F/U with light oval cancel in mauve. $50 Sold $50 |
 1904 6d deep carmine with upper right register mark. F/U with oval mauve cachet. $50 Sold $50 |
 1904 1/- deep dull green x 2 with register marks top right & lower right respectively. F/U with small faults. $50 Sold $50 |
 1904 1d to £25 short set excluding £50 & £100. Fresh & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $600+ (14) $340 Archived |
 1904 1d to £25 selection consisting 1d x 10, 3d x 4, 6d x 7, 1/- x 4, 5/- x 2, £1 x 3 & £25 all good to F/U, the latter with a clear but heavy "… $150 Sold $160 |
 1904 1d to £100 complete set of 16. The £50 & £100 stamps were printed in very low numbers with only 127 x £50 stamps & 207 x £100 stamps reco… $1500 Sold $1800 |
 1906/09 £10 agate, perf 11. Fine used with light 1918 boxed handstamp. Elsmore Cat. $150 $75 Sold $60 |
 1907 10/- Supreme Court Probate green, no wmk block of 6 with double perfs down left selvedge. Fine & fresh MUH. $100 Sold $75 |
 1907 6d Supreme Court green, no wmk, top left corner block of 8 with double perfs across top 4 & selvedge. MUH with some affected by black paper al… $75 Sold $55 |
 1907/22 Supreme Court Probate range of 16 to £50 red incls £5 green, all others in red plus £1 & £1/10/-. All fine MUH with mixed wmk & no wmk.… $180 Sold $180 |
 1907/22 3d green x 2, £1 green, £25 pale blue & £50 brown "Supreme Court Probate" issues. All MUH with some light toning (3d greens) & light cre… $60 Sold $50 |
 1907/22 Supreme Court Probate range of 15 to £50 (excl £100) but incls £25 green plus £25 grey blue. Majority fine MUH but £25 green with tone… $200 Sold $200 |
 1915 (8th Apr) Receipt for £160/6/10 with 6d orange long swan Duty Stamp tied by dated m/s, 1925 receipt £1/8/2 insurance premium with 1d red lon… $50 Sold $50 |
 1917/18 Emergency Printing, no wmk, perf. 11 with 1d x 2, 3d x 3, 6d & 1/- x 3. Good to fine used with at least 1 example of each val F/U. Useful g… $120 Sold $140 |
 1919 £1 black & violet, perf. 11 W Crown A wmk with very low placed Swan vignette. "ONE POUND" is covered by the water & swan. Fine used with 2 JU… $380 Archived |
 1922/30 1d pale red x 2 with both having "misplaced perfs" resulting in the "ONE PENNY" wording at the top instead of the base while the second is … $40 Sold $55 |