Lot No |
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Est. |
States and Territories: Western Australia |
 1854 1/- grey-brown with 4 large margins & fine used by central void obliterator. SG 4b, Cat. £400 $180 Sold $220 |
 1855 1/- grey-brown with margins just touching the oval at 3 sides. Used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. SG 4b, Cat. £400 $100 Sold $70 |
 1854 1/- grey brown. Unused without gum. Large margins with small part adjoining stamp at top. Ceremuga Cert. (2005) SG 4b, Cat. £700 $250 Sold $850 |
 1855 1/- pale brown used by barred numeral "8" cancel. 4 clear margins. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $120 Sold $95 |
 1854 1/- pale brown imperf with close to large margins. F/U with light 15 bar 8 cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325. Sold in Ace Auctions sale 7 for $185. $120 Sold $95 |
 1855 1/- pale brown with close but clear margins. Irregular top left. Unused without gum. SG 4c, Cat £550 $120 Sold $120 |
 1855 1/- pale brown with 3 large margins & just touching the oval at right. Fine used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $100 Sold $70 |
 1855 1/- pale brown with 4 large even margins. Used with 15 bar "16" York numeral cancel. Could do with a wash! SG 4c, Cat. £325 $90 Sold $40 |
 1855 1/- pale brown with close to touching margins. Used with void grid cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $75 Sold $50 |
 1855 1/- pale brown with traces of pin perf at top left & base. Touching at right, slightly cut into top & right. Indistinct, light obliterator. SG… $120 Archived |
 1854 1/- pale brown with close to large margins. F/U by light 15 bar numeral cancel. SG 4c, Cat £325 $100 Sold $80 |
 1855 1/- pale brown as above with large clear margins & also F/U with same cancel. SG 4c, Cat. £325 $100 Sold $80 |
 1855 1/- pale brown block of 4 with close to large even margins. Fresh & fine MNG. A rare & attractive multiple. Ex Trevor Hiscock. SG 4c, Cat. £2… $3000 Sold $3400 |
 1854 4d blue rouletted on all 4 sides. This example appears unused without gum (Cat. £4000) but has a very light "shade" at base suggesting maybe … $300 Sold $180 |
 1854 4d blue with 4 sides rouletted. F/U with neat 15 bar "1" Perth numeral cancel. SG 5a, Cat. £750 $240 Sold $240 |
 1854 4d blue rouletted on all 4 sides. Fine used with light Perth GPO duplex cancel. Most attractive example. SG 5a, Cat. £750 $260 Sold $260 |
 1855 1/- grey-brown with 3 rouletted margins & a straight edge at right. Used with light numeral cancel. SG 6, Cat. £1200 $240 Sold $240 |
 1854 1/- pale brown rouletted with BN "1" neatly applied. Touching at left with other sides well clear. Small light thin reflected in reserve. SG 6… $75 Sold $60 |
 1855 1/- pale brown rouletted on 4 sides. Repaired closed tear lower left but attractively used with crisp 15 bar "3" cancel of Perth. SG 6a, Cat. … $180 Sold $130 |
 1854/55 1/- pale brown rouletted 7½-14. Clear & complete along top, partial at left & removal at base & at right. SG 6a, Cat. £1100 $100 Sold $100 |
 1855 1/- pale brown rouletted on 3 sides with straight right margin. Close to large margins. Lightly used with numeral cancel. Slight paper thin lo… $120 Sold $150 |
 1857 2d brown-black/red Hillman with lightly applied BN "14" obliterator. Attractive example good clear margins but Ceremuga Cert (2009) states "ex… $100 Sold $150 |
 1857 2d brown-black/red Hillman cut square. Margins touching on all sides with neat BN "5" obliterator. "WESTERN" shows major error with "ST" joine… $200 Sold $160 |
 1858 2d brown-black/red with clear margins just touching at base. Fine used with 15 bar "2" numeral cancel of Perth. Fine example with rich colour.… $260 Sold $340 |
 1858 2d brown-black/red with 2 full margins, close to touching at top & right. Lightly used with neat void grid cancel. SG 15, Cat. £750 $220 Sold $150 |
 1858 2d brown black/red with even close to touching margins. Small cut bottom left not affecting design. Used with indistinct cancel. SG 15, Cat. Â… $160 Sold $230 |
 1858 2d brown-black/red. Fine used strip of 3 with neat void grid cancels & strong colour. SG 15, Cat. £2250++ premium for a very rare strip of 3. $1500 Sold $3600 |
 1857 2d grey-black/red Hillman printed both sides. Indistinct cancel with close but clear margins. Small DWO circled dealer h/s on reverse. SG 15a,… $200 Sold $200 |
 1858 2d brown black/red. Two full margins with left & upper margins just cut into. Printed on both sides with horiz pre-printing fold. Fine used wi… $340 Sold $200 |
 1858 2d brown-black/red imperf with "Printed on both sides" variety. Fine used with even close to touching margins & an attractive void grid cancel… $400 Sold $400 |
 1857 2d brown-black/Indian red Hillman with clear offset on reverse. 3 clear margins, cut into at right. Fine used with neat void grid obliterator.… $300 Sold $240 |
 1857 2d brown-black/Indian red Hillman. Cut square with close to touching margins. Used with void obliterator. SG 16, Cat. £850 $180 Sold $250 |
 1858 2d brown black/Indian red with 4 close to touching margins. Used with light 15 bar numeral cancel. Striking rich colour. SG 16, Cat. £950 $400 Sold $400 |
 1857 6d golden bronze. Close to touching margins with lower frame just cut into. Superb used with 15 bar "8" Fremantle cancel. Most attractive & fi… $400 Sold $250 |
 1857 6d golden bronze with close to large margins. Used with light indistinct cancel. Clear "bronze" tinge. SG 17, Cat. £2,500 $360 Sold $360 |
 1857 6d golden bronze used with 15 bar "16" York cancel (SG 17, Cat. £2,500) & 1857 6d black-bronze rouletted with touching to huge margins & F/U … $100 Sold $100 |
 1857 6d black-bronze Hillman. Fine used with crisp BN "8" cancel & 4 clear margins. Exceptional! SG 18, Cat. £650 $220 Sold $250 |
 1857 6d black-bronze with 3 clear to large margins, just touching at right. Small tear at right. Fine used with neat void grid cancel. SG 18, Cat. … $75 Sold $100 |
 1857 6d black-bronze with good side margins but upper & lower touching. Fine used with 15 bar "5" Guildford cancel. SG 18, Cat. £650 $180 Sold $140 |
 1857 6d grey-black Hillman with close but clear margins. F/U with void grid cancel. SG 19, Cat. £550 $220 Sold $220 |
 1859 6d grey-black with close but clear margins. Used with 15 bar "20" Champion Bay cancel. SG 19, Cat. £600 $180 Sold $60 |
 1859 6d grey-black with close to touching margins. Good used with 15 bar "1" Perth cancel with some oily staining from pmk. SG 19, Cat. £600 $90 Sold $55 |
 1857 6d grey-black Hillman neatly used by light BN "6". Close to touching margins but most presentable. SG 19, Cat. £600 $150 Sold $120 |
 1857 6d grey-black Hillman. Broad margins at right & base with half margins top & left & cut to shape at top left corner. MLH with rarely seen o.g.… $1000 Archived |
 1857 6d grey-black Hillman. Cut square touching in places. Used with bold BN 1. Evidence of pin perforations. Ex Cygnet Auctions selling in 2007 fo… $180 Sold $140 |
 1857 6d grey-black Hillman. Fine used with crisp BN "1". Traces of rouletting on 3 sides with portion of adjacent stamp at base. A superb example p… $400 Sold $350 |
 1860 2d pale orange & orange-vermilion pair both with 4 close to touching margins. Both fine used, latter with neat 21 bar 15 numeral & former with… $50 Sold $50 |
 1860 2d pale orange with upright swan wmk. Unused without gum. Close but clear even margins. A fine example in the true "pale" shade. SG 24a, Cat. … $1800 Sold $1800 |
 1860 2d orange imperfs with 2 x unused without gum & 9 x fine used, 1 with some rouletting to upper & lower frames. Range of shades, some with sign… $120 Sold $120 |
 1860 2d orange-vermilion with 4 close but clear margins. Fine used with 15 bar 3 cancel in blue ink. SG 25 Cat. £80 $30 Sold $46 |