Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Western Australia: 1896-1893 Coolgardie Express Company |
 1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. 1/- toned & stained, 2/6d has thin but useful "budget" pair! Incls the 1964 commem reproductions on small… $40 Sold $30 |
 1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express MH with o.g. 2/6d with gum thin & a few short perfs. Also 6d Camel design unused with o.g. (thin). Attract… $75 Sold $75 |
 1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. 1/- with corner selvedge & large part o.g. while 2/6d is MNG. $100 Sold $75 |
 1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express pair with bottom right corner selvedges. 1/- with corner of selvedge missing & part o.g. & 2/6d with 90% o… $120 Sold $95 |
 1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. Both with usual minor gum disturbance but fresh & bright. (2) $120 Sold $100 |
 1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express. Both with top selvedge. Large part o.g. & fine. (2) $140 Sold $120 |
 1896 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel stamp. MNG with some very light staining/aging. Well centred with good perforations. $150 Sold $120 |
 1896 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express camel set of 3. All with original thick gum, 6d with small thin from hinge removal, other 2 with full o… $200 Sold $400 |
Western Australia: OS Perfins |
 Crown "PAID" Official in black & a second in blue ink. Both fine & clear on small pieces. (2) $60 Sold $50 |
 1902/11 1d to £1 orange-brown set of 15 perfined "OS" with extra shades of 4d, 5d & 2/-. Good to find used & difficult to assemble postally used. … $280 Sold $280 |
 1902/11 5d bistre perfined "OS". Short perf at left otherwise fine used with bullseye Perth Registered cds dated 15 FEB 11. ACSC Note 1 "… this i… $75 Sold $75 |
 1902/11 2/- QV with sideways wmk & 5/- emerald green both perfined "OS" & F/U. SG 124a & 126 (2) $50 Sold $50 |
 1902 5/- emerald-green perfined "OS". Fine used with Perth Registered oval for 6 DEC 11. SG 126 var, ACSC W64Aba, Cat. $350 (2004), considerably mo… $100 Sold $100 |
 1902/11 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS". SG 127, Juhl Cat. $100 (1992) $50 Sold $50 |
 1906 1d carmine-red perfined "OS" block of 4 with upright wmk. MH with part original gum. Well centred. SG 139a, ACSC w6ba, Cat. $160+ (2004) $40 Sold $20 |
 1905 5d bistre, V/Crown wmk, perf 11 with "OS" perfin. Fine used with Perth 1912 cds. ACSC Cat. $150 $50 Sold $50 |
 1905 5d brown perfined "OS". Fine used, a couple of short perfs at left. Note 1 states, "Perhaps as many as ten mint & 20-30 used examples are know… $100 Sold $50 |
 1905 5d brown perfined "OS" as above. Fine used with good perfs & excellent centring. ACSC W37b, Cat. $400 (ACSC 2004) $150 Sold $150 |
 1905 9d orange-yellow perfined "OS". MH/MLH, centred left. ACSC W52, Cat. $250 (2004) $100 Sold $40 |
 1905 9d orange-yellow perfined "OS". Horiz crease, centred left but fine used with Albany 1907 cds. ACSC W52, Cat. $300 (2004) $50 Sold $30 |
 1909 £1 orange perfined "OS". Postally used with part, light oval registration cancel dated 1913. Light diagonal crease but a difficult stamp to f… $250 Sold $320 |
 1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". Lightly used with Oct 1909 cds suggesting it is not this shade but matches reference collection bright purpl… $120 Sold $210 |
 1912 1d carmine-red with a double "OS" perfin. An excellent example of this error. Fine used. SG 139 var. $150 Sold $210 |
 1912 3d dull orange-brown, wmk sideways (ACSC W31Ab) & 3d deep orange-brown (ACSC W31Bb). Both with the rough perfs characteristic of this thin pap… $140 Sold $140 |
 1912 3d brown on thin ready gummed paper. MH with minute closed tear at left plus a second perfined "OS" with wmk sideways. (ACSC W31Bb) Cat. for b… $100 Sold $75 |
 1912 3d deep orange-brown perfined "OS". Good used. ACSC W31Bb, Cat. $300 $80 Sold $40 |
 1912 3d deep orange-brown perfined "OS". Fine used, short perf top right. An increasingly scarce stamp. ACSC W31Bb, Cat. $300 (2004) $150 Archived |
 1908 9d yellow-orange, line perf MLH (ACSC W51B(OS), Cat. $200 (2004)) & 9d orange perfined "OS" used (ACSC 51A(OS), Cat. $150) (2) $80 Archived |
 1906 9d orange-yellow, Crown/A wmk, perf. 11 & perfined "OS". Fine used & scarce so fine. ACSC W52, Cat. $200 (2004) $80 Sold $65 |
Western Australia: WA Commissariat |
 1854 4d blue imperfs x3 all with official punctures. First 2 cancelled by "1" & "8" numeral obliterator postmark suggesting Perth & Fremantle usage… $90 Sold $140 |
 1861 1/- green intermediate perf 14-16 with small hole. Fine used. Not listed by Juhl. $40 Sold $40 |
Western Australia: Telegraph Stamps |
 1879 1d & 6d Telegraph set of 3 with 1d in both perfs. All postally used. SG T1, T1a & T2, Cat. £275 (3) $100 Sold $170 |
 1879 1d & 6d Telegraph pair with 1d bistre perf. 12½ & 6d lilac perf. 14. Both MH. Frontally fine. SG T1/2, Cat. £660 (2) $180 Sold $100 |
 1879 1d bistre perf. 12½ & perf. 14 plus 6d lilac, perf. 14. Postally used set. SG T1, T1a & T2 Cat £275 (3) $150 Sold $100 |
Western Australia: Revenues |
 1906-09 Defin Issue Inscribed "Stamp Duty" Perf 111906/09 1d to £10 set of 13. Fine used & attractive. Elsmore Cat. $480 (13) $220 Sold $180 |
 1906/09 15/- to £10 high vals used range. 15/- o/c with light crease & £5 with horiz crease but £1 in horiz pair & 30/- & £10 very fine. Elsmor… $180 Sold $140 |
 1906/09 £5 & £10 slate-purple. Both fine used, latter with horiz crease. Elsmore Cat. $250 (2) $80 Sold $65 |
 1906 £10 agate. Fine used & a rarely seen shade. Elsmore Cat. $150 $75 Sold $60 |
 1906/09 1d red with black centre & inverted wmk mint (short perfs at top) & 1d bright scarlet & greenish-slate centre with register mark lower left… $75 Sold $75 |
 1906/09 6d red with upper left register mark, F/U. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $70 Sold $70 |
 1906/09 1/- deep green & 2/- light green both with inverted wmks & fine used. Elsmore Cat. $200 (2) $80 Archived |
 1906/09 1/- deep green & 2/- light green as above but former with short perfs at left & latter centred high. Elsmore Cat. $200 (2) $40 Archived |
 1906/09 2/6d green with register mark lower right. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $200+ $70 Sold $70 |
 1906/09 10/- dull green with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $150 $60 Archived |
 1906/09 10/- dull green with inverted wmk. Short perf top right. Elsmore Cat. $150 $30 Archived |
 1906/09 5/- deep green with inverted wmk. Fine used. Elsmore Cat. $125 $40 Archived |
 1909 Printing on new paper with Large Crown Watermark, Perf 111909 1d to 1/- set of 4 vals incl vertical pair of 6d & 2 shades of the 1/- green. F/… $30 Archived |
 1909 Range of vals with many shades. Incls 1d x 25, 3d, 6d x 4, 1/- x 23. Another lot useful for research. Good to fine used. Elsmore Cat. $575 (53) $120 Archived |
 1909 1d red-black with inverted wmk F/U (light tone spots on back), 1d scarlet greenish-slate centred inverted wmk fine MNG & scarlet-black with in… $75 Archived |
 1909 1d reds x 8. One with "flat base "O" of ONE" variety & another with "white flaw above "DUTY" top left" variety. Both fine used plus 6 MLH/MNG … $30 Sold $30 |